Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Public Notice?
A Public Notice is an important tool in assuring an informed citizenry; a conduit of information from the government to the public. Notices are mandated by legislatures to make sure there is a public window into the activities of governments, officers of the court and others holding a public trust. Among the most common types of public notices are: hearings, government budgets, notices of contract bids, foreclosures, probate notices, adoptions, and dissolution of marriages, name changes and assumed business names. There are four key elements to a public notice:
Enabling an informed citizenry through newspaper public notices helped America to develop participatory democracy where it counts: where money is spent, policy is made and futures charted. Public notices by government and private parties are so tightly woven into the American fabric that many citizens may take them for granted. Located in easily found sections of the newspapers, public notices reach out to interested readers, leading them to opportunities. Voices are expressed on taxation, communities are formed around planned public improvements, and assets are saved from loss to unworthy creditors – all as a result of public notices.
History of a Public Notice
Public Notices existed long before the emergence of newspapers. They were first posted in public squares as a way of communicating with the public. Postings still happen in certain court and government buildings, and on residences that are being foreclosed upon. The law however, was updated to include publication in newspapers as the location residents turn for news and information about what is affecting their communities.
Business & Commercial Notice
Business and commerce notices relate to government contracts and purchases. Notices of contract bids allow citizens to ensure that the government is operating in accordance with principles of equal opportunity and is acting responsibly in spending taxpayer money.
Court Notices
Court notices are required of many non-governmental entities that use public powers or institutions in some way. Examples include:
How Do I Place a Public Notice?
Public Notice Network, a division of Law Bulletin Media, is an easy and efficient method for publishing Public Notices. Law firms submit a notice to PNN, where content of the notice is reviewed, publication dates assigned and the notice distributed to the appropriate newspaper for publication. The Web based system provides services for law firms and newspapers which include: publishing and placing publications, billing, sending out certificates and maintaining customer relations. PNN provides each customer the unique opportunity to track and monitor the status of their accounts in real-time. For more information please contact us.
Where will the Notice appear and how much will it cost?
The notice will appear in the publication you specify or our team can advise you on the best publication to meet the legal requirements of the notice. The notice will also be uploaded to, an aggregated website of all public notices across Illinois that is managed and maintained by the Illinois Press Association. This is done at no additional cost to any government or private entity.
The cost varies based on the type of notice and the publication the notice will appear in. For more information please
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